Wednesday, December 16, 2015

LHC bump

There were some events at 750 GeV, resembling a second Higgs boson. As we all know, the first Higgs boson, with a mass of 125 GeV, saturates a theoretical bound (vacuum stability), and so it is encouraging to read here of a scenario in which 750 GeV is the theoretical upper bound on the mass of a second Higgs. However, within that scenario, the upper limit is correlated with another parameter in a way that is ruled out empirically. Therefore, by numero-logic, this was a false alarm and we can all go back to sleep.

1 comment:

  1. About this new bump at around 750 Gev, I have showed three points:
    One, there must be a Vacuum boson which sits at 125.46 +/- Gev, wrongly named as Higgs boson (see ).
    Two, the first excited vacuum energy (vev) state sits right around at 750 Gev. Yet, the key point of this calculation is that {when this new bump (750) appears, the old bump (125.46 Gev) should be greatly reduced (if not disappear altogether) in accordance to the following dynamics equation}.
    X = the old bump (vacuum boson, wrongly named as Higgs boson) height (at 8 Tev with z fb-1)
    X (1) = the bump (125 Gev vacuum boson, at 13 Tev with z fb-1) height
    Y = the bump (750 Gev, at 13 Tev with z fb-) height
    Then, X (1) ~ (roughly equal to) X – Y, (at z fb-1)
    That is, even with the current LHC Run 2 data, we can evaluate this prediction.

    Three, I gave more discussion on this at,
